Reusing Content Containing Reusable Variables


When you reuse content that contains reusable variables, SmartDocs automatically processes the variable content in the target document to match the current state of the variables in the target document. That is, when you reuse content that contains variables, SmartDocs takes care of all the work for you – no manual, and potentially error prone, find and replace process is needed.

There are two common ways to reuse content that contains variables:

  • Copy and paste content containing variables from one document into another.
  • Insert a reusable snippet containing variables into a document.

What Happens in the Target Document?

When you reuse content that contains variables, SmartDocs follows these rules to determine what happens in the target document:

  • SmartDocs first checks to see if the target document contains the reusable variables that are contained within the content being reused. If the target document does not contain the variables, then SmartDocs will automatically create them in the target document.


Document A contains a variable called Product_Name. Document B does not contain a Product_Name variable. When content from Document A that contains the variable is copied and pasted into Document B, SmartDocs will detect that Document B does not contain a Product_Name variable and will automatically create it.

  • If the target document already contains the reusable variables that are being reused, then SmartDocs will automatically update the variable content in the target document to take on the value of the variables in the target document.


A reusable snippet called Company Overview contains a variable called Company_Name. Document A already contains a Company_Name variable with the value Intech Corporation. When the Company Overview snippet is inserted into Document A, SmartDocs will detect that Document A already contains a Company_Name variable and automatically updates the inserted variable content to be Intech Corporation.

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