How to Customize the Display of Snippet Search Results


By default, when you execute a search for a reusable snippet in the SmartDocs task pane, the search results only display the name of the matching snippets. You can configure SmartDocs to customize the display of these search results so additional metadata fields are displayed.

For example, assume you configure your snippet library to have two custom metadata fields:

  • Language Code, a drop-down menu.
  • Keywords, a free text field.

You can configure SmartDocs to display the Language Code metadata field along with the snippet name in the search results in the SmartDocs task pane.

How to configure the display of the search results

The display of snippet search results in the SmartDocs task pane is configured in the Reusable Snippet List Box Format field in your SmartDocs Repository Registry list. In this field, enter the internal name (enclosed in curly braces) of the SharePoint columns you want to display in the search results for your reusable snippet library.

For example:

{Language Code} - {Title}

This instructs SmartDocs to display the Language Code metadata field in the SmartDocs task pane search results before the snippet name (the Title metadata field is the snippet name), separating the metadata values with a dash.

Any values that you do not put in curly braces will display as-is in your search results. Meaning that you can display any characters and labels you want in order to separate the display of multiple metadata values.


  • Enclose the internal name of each SharePoint column in curly braces.
  • If you leave the Reusable Snippet List Box Format field blank in your SmartDocs Repository Registry list, then only the snippet name will be displayed in the SmartDocs task pane search results.
  • If Microsoft® Word is open when you make changes your SmartDocs Repository Registry list, then you will need to refresh your SmartDocs repository connections (from the SmartDocs Repository Connections dialog box) or close and re-open Microsoft Word in order for the changes to take effect.
  • Be sure to enter the internal name of the SharePoint column, not the display name. In most cases, the internal name and display name are the same. However, if you have changed the name of a SharePoint column after creating it, the internal name will still be the original name and the display name will be the updated name. The internal name of a SharePoint column is static and never changes once the SharePoint column is created.
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