How can I use Legacy Microsoft Word Documents with SmartDocs?


There are still many Microsoft® Word documents saved in the legacy *.doc file format in circulation; and Microsoft Word 2003 is still widely being used. SmartDocs requires Microsoft Word 2007 or later, because its technologies are based on the Open Office XML *.docx file format.

You must convert legacy *.doc Word files to Open Office XML *.docx/*.docm/*.dotx/*.dotm file format before these documents can be used with SmartDocs. This article provides steps to convert legacy *.doc Word files to the Open Office XML format.

To Convert to a Microsoft Word 2007 Document

  • Click the Office button (located in the top left-hand corner), and then select Convert.

To Convert to a Microsoft Word 2010 or 2013

  1. Select the File tab.
  2. Click the Convert button in the backstage view.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click Close. (Make sure to save the document when prompted to save.)

IMPORTANT: The reason you cannot simply use "Save As" to the new file format in order to perform the conversion is because the document will still retain compatibility to the legacy version of Word. You will see [Compatibility Mode] in the documents title bar and the new technology will not be allowed.

If the steps above did not work, then your installation of Word may be configured to not allow saving to the Office Open XML file format. There is a setting in Word that forces saving to the legacy file format and you will need to change this setting.

To Change the Configuration Setting

Microsoft Word 2007

  1. Click the Office button (located in the top left-hand corner).
  2. Select Word Options.
  3. Select the Save.
  4. Go to the Save files in this format field.
  5. Select Word Document (*.docx) from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click OK.

Microsoft Word 2010 and 2013

  1. Select the File tab.
  2. Select Options.
  3. Select the Save tab.
  4. Go to the Save files in this format field.
  5. Select Word Document (*.docx) from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click OK.
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